
Potential Transformer

5950143810195 143810195 61667-64752 TMAC450-115V400HZ100VACLB

A transformer designed to connect an electrical instrument to a power line or other high potential alternating current source for the purpose of voltage measurement or control. View more Potential Transformer

5950-14-381-0195 TRANSFORMER,POTENTIAL 5950143810195 143810195

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NSN Created on 14 Dec 1982
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5950-14-381-0195 TRANSFORMER,POTENTIAL 5950143810195 143810195 1/1
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61667-64752 TMAC450-115V400HZ100VACLB A transformer designed to connect an electrical instrument to
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Potential Transformer 5950143810195 143810195 JavaScript in your web browser . 5950-14-381-0195Potential
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Potential Transformer 5950143810195 143810195 JavaScript in your web browser . 5950-14-381-0195Potential
Transformer5950143810195 143810195 61667-64752 5120145606302 ATTACHMENT,MECHANICAL 99 EA NS Request
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Potential Transformer 5950143810195 143810195 JavaScript in your web browser . 5950-14-381-0195Potential
Transformer5950143810195 143810195 61667-64752 5120145606302 ATTACHMENT,MECHANICAL 99 EA NS Request
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Potential Transformer 5950143810195 143810195 JavaScript in your web browser . 5950-14-381-0195Potential
Transformer5950143810195 143810195 61667-64752 5120145606302 ATTACHMENT,MECHANICAL 99 EA NS Request

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France (ZF)

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