
Electrical Coil

5950142937729 142937729 27478-220V

An item generally consisting of one or more turns of wire or similar conductive material (in special cases it may be considered as a partial turn). It is specifically designed to concentrate magnetic flux generated by the flow of an electric current, to induce in itself an electromotive force, and to add or subtract inductive reactance in a circuit. It may include tuning devices, integral resistors and capacitors; however, excludes FILTER (as modified). For coils wound on resistors which are designed to be inserted into the circuit of a radio frequency stage to suppress high frequency parasitic oscillations, see SUPPRESSOR, PARASITIC.. View more Electrical Coil

5950-14-293-7729 COIL,ELECTRICAL 5950142937729 142937729

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Incomplete Secondary Reference RNCC 5 RNVC 1 DAC 4 27478 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5950/fr 5950-14-293-7729
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