
Electronic Shielding Bead

5950121933140 121933140 B62110A3007X22 B62110-A3007-X022 B62110-A3007-X22 B62110A3007X022

A high permeability item designed to be threaded on the supply leads of electronic items for the purpose of damping parasitic resonances. See also SUPPRESSOR, PARASITIC. View more Electronic Shielding Bead

5950-12-193-3140 SHIELDING BEAD,ELECTRONIC 5950121933140 121933140

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NSN Created on 12 Jul 1982
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B62110A3007X22 B62110-A3007-X022 B62110-A3007-X22 B62110A3007X022 A high permeability item designed
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Every Day 5999-15-125-9175 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5950/de 5950-12-193-3140
Electronic Shielding Bead 5950121933140 12-193-3140Electronic Shielding Bead5950121933140 121933140
Day 5940-99-913-2991 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5950/de 5950-12-193-3140
Electronic Shielding Bead 5950121933140 web browser . 5950-12-193-3140Electronic Shielding Bead5950121933140
121933140 B62110A3007X22 B62110-A3007 -X022 B62110-A3007-X22 B62110A3007X022 A high permeability item
Waveguide Assembly 5985151128607151128607 471899 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5950/de 5950-12-193-3140
Electronic Shielding Bead 5950121933140 web browser . 5950-12-193-3140Electronic Shielding Bead5950121933140
121933140 B62110A3007X22 B62110-A3007 -X022 B62110-A3007-X22 B62110A3007X022 A high permeability item
151259175 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5999-15-125-9175Induttanza5999151259175 151259175 B62110-A3007-X22
-3140Electronic Shielding Bead5950121933140 121933140 B62110A3007X22 B62110-A3007-X022 B62110-A3007
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9330/us 9330-01-276-2586 Plastic Sheet 9330012762586 012762586,X22 B62110-A3007-X22

5950-12-193-3140 Demil Restrictions 5950-12-193-3140


5950-12-193-3140 is a Electronic Shielding Bead

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