
Radio Frequency Transformer

5950121568197 121568197 1521-9-5

An item having either a single tapped winding (autotransformer type), or two or more windings designed to furnish inductive reactance and/or transfer electrical energy in circuits by means of a magnetic field. It is so designed that its entire intended range of operations is above 20 Kilohertz (Kilocycles). The minimum value may extend into the audio frequency range (below 20 Kilohertz). It may include integral capacitors, coils, resistors, and adjustable tuning cores. For items having only two active terminals see COIL, RADIO FREQUENCY. Includes types having windings which may be moved with respect to each other. Excludes TRANSFORMER, DISCRIMINATOR. View more Radio Frequency Transformer

5950-12-156-8197 TRANSFORMER,RADIO FREQUENCY 5950121568197 121568197

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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5950-12-156-8197 TRANSFORMER,RADIO FREQUENCY 5950121568197 121568197 1/1
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Radio Frequency Transformer 5950121568197 1521-9-5 An item having either a single tapped winding (autotransformer

5950-12-156-8197 Demil Restrictions 5950-12-156-8197


5950-12-156-8197 is a Radio Frequency Transformer

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Germany (ZG)

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