
Terminal Board

5940997508658 997508658

An item consisting of insulating material, which is specifically designed to have fastened thereon, or on which are fastened terminal(s), such as screws, solder lugs, solder studs, solderless connectors, clips, and the like. It is usually used for junctions or terminations of wire or cable assemblies. It does not include items as defined above with parts, such as resistors and capacitors mounted thereon. Do not use if a more specific name exists, such as FUSEHOLDER; HOLDER, RESISTOR; FANNING STRIP; CONTACT ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL; JACK ASSEMBLY, TIP; CHAMBER, CABLE TERMINAL; PANEL (2) (as modified); CONNECTOR (as modified). Excludes TERMINAL, STUD; TERMINAL, FEEDTHRU, INSULATED; POST, BINDING, ELECTRICAL; and CHASSIS, ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. For items having printed electrical conductor paths, see PRINTED WIRING BOARD. View more Terminal Board

5940-99-750-8658 TERMINAL BOARD 5940997508658 997508658

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5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/uk 5940-99-750-8658 Terminal Board
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Terminal Board 5940997508658 997508658 -5940 Lugs, Terminals, and Terminal Strips from https//www.nsnlookup.com
Terminal Board 5940-99-799-8154 Terminal Strips from United Kingdom (UK) 99-740-3341 Post Terminal 5940-99-750-8658
vendors Request Related Documents 5940-99-795-8490 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/uk 5940-99-750-8658
Terminal Board 5940997508658 997508658 vendors Request Related Documents 5940-99-750-8658 https
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/uk 5940-99-799-8154 Electrical Contact 5940997998154 997998154 Terminal 5940-99-750-8658
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5940-99-750-8658 is a Terminal Board

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