
Terminal Box

5940144685257 144685257 388673 388673-002

An enclosure which includes, mounts and protects one or more terminals and/or terminal boards. It is designed for and may include a cover and such accessories as mounting hardware, brackets, locks, and conduit fittings. For boxes which include combinations of different electrical devices such as terminals and/or terminal boards, fuseholders, switches, jacks, circuit breakers, connectors and the like, see DISTRIBUTION BOX. For boxes which are designed to mount, but which do not include terminals and/or terminal boards, see JUNCTION BOX. Excludes TERMINAL BOARD ASSEMBLY. See also CHAMBER, CABLE TERMINAL; and INTERCONNECTING CABINET. View more Terminal Box

5940-14-468-5257 TERMINAL BOX 5940144685257 144685257

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388673 388673-002 An enclosure which includes, mounts and protects one or more terminals and/or terminal
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