
Sectional Terminal Junction Block

5940123698968 123698968 67087

An electrical item with multiple socket contacts which may or may not be interconnected by bussing, to form one or more circuits. Item may be of feedback, feedthrough and/or terminating design and may afford a convenient method of interconnection. It may or may not include a sealing grommet. Sectional blocks are normally retained in a track or channel mounting. Excludes CHAMBER, CABLE TERMINAL; CONTACT ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL; INSERT, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR; JUNTION BOX ; TERMINAL BOARD; and TERMINAL BOX. View more Sectional Terminal Junction Block

5940-12-369-8968 TERMINAL JUNCTION BLOCK,SECTIONAL 5940123698968 123698968

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5940-12-369-8968 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/de 5940-12-369-8968
Sectional Terminal Junction Block 123698968 67087 An electrical item with multiple socket contacts which
Sectional Terminal Junction Block 123698968 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/de 5940-12-369-8968
Sectional Terminal Junction Block 123698968 67087 Conduit 7490009201921 009201921,67087 Sectional Terminal
Junction Block 123698968 JavaScript in Sectional Terminal Junction Block 123698968 00-920-1921Conduit7490009201921
JavaScript in your web browser . 5998-99-762-0296Circuit Card Assembly5998997620296 997620296 419/1/67087
Sectional Terminal Junction Block 123698968 Maintenance Fixture4920001355388 001355388 67087 https
JavaScript in your web browser . 5998-99-762-0296Circuit Card Assembly5998997620296 997620296 419/1/67087
day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4920-00-135-5388Aircraft Maintenance Fixture4920001355388 001355388 67087
-207-11 67087-207-1 A fixture designed to hold/position aircraft components to facilitate inspection,
day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 4920-00-135-5388Aircraft Maintenance Fixture4920001355388 001355388 67087
JavaScript in your web browser . 5315-34-038-1742Headless Straight Pin5315340381742 340381742 MX2 67087
1742 is a Headless Straight Pin Approved Sources 5315-34-038-1742 Part NumberManufacturerStatusMX2 67087

5940-12-369-8968 Demil Restrictions 5940-12-369-8968


5940-12-369-8968 is a Sectional Terminal Junction Block

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Germany (ZG)

5940-12-369-8968 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5940-12-369-8968

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