
Terminal Board Marker Strip

5940121975258 121975258 04.841.2050 AB1-R0 9704A/0B

An item, generally of insulating material, designed to identify terminal position on terminal boards. Its thickness is small in comparison to its length and width. They can be printed to show terminal designations by numbers, letters, symbols, or any combination thereof. It may serve as insulation between terminal board and chassis. Excludes MARKER, IDENTIFICATION and PLATE, DESIGNATION. View more Terminal Board Marker Strip

5940-12-197-5258 MARKER STRIP,TERMINAL BOARD 5940121975258 121975258

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 Oct 1983
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5940-12-197-5258 MARKER STRIP,TERMINAL BOARD 5940121975258 121975258 1/1
NSN 5940-12-197-5258 (Generic Image) 1/1

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04.841.2050 AB1-R0 9704A/0B An item, generally of insulating material, designed to identify terminal
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5940-12-197-5258 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5940/de 5940-12-197-5258

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5940-12-197-5258 is a Terminal Board Marker Strip

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Germany (ZG)

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