
Stud Terminal

5940121807488 121807488 1-5X2-3 27063000010 Q 314 625 024 Q314625024

A terminal, generally postlike, having an axial portion of its body designed for projecting through or into a panel, or the like, for mounting. Requires the use of tool(s) for attachment of wire. The conductor connection may be insulated from the mounting. Excludes TERMINAL, FEEDTHRU. See also TERMINAL, QUICK DISCONNECT and TERMINAL SET, QUICK DISCONNECT. View more Stud Terminal

5940-12-180-7488 TERMINAL,STUD 5940121807488 121807488

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1-5X2-3 27063000010 Q 314 625 024 Q314625024 A terminal, generally postlike, having an axial portion
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