
Plug-In Electronic Components Socket

5935170508162 170508162 R0F14

An item designed to electrically connect and mechanically position the base of an item having plug-in-type contacts, and to facilitate replacement of the item accommodated. It includes sockets which accommodate the contacts of capacitors, coils, crystals, electron tubes, relays, semiconductor devices and vibrators. Excludes sockets or receptacles designed to accommodate plug-in component circuit boards (printed circuit boards) and electronic modules or sub-assemblies. Also excludes heat-dissipating (not heat-sinks) sockets for mounting "power transistors". View more Plug-In Electronic Components Socket

5935-17-050-8162 SOCKET,PLUG-IN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 5935170508162 170508162

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NSN Created on 3 Jul 1979
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5935-17-050-8162 SOCKET,PLUG-IN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 5935170508162 170508162 1/1
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Plug-In Electronic Components Socket,R0F14 R0F14 An item designed to electrically connect and mechanically

5935-17-050-8162 Demil Restrictions 5935-17-050-8162


5935-17-050-8162 is a Plug-In Electronic Components Socket

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