
Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut

5935143350098 143350098 084-0003-37 DF92A620-37

A metallic item having internal threads and an internal seat designed to retain and compress a resilient sealing medium such as a backing grommet or bushing in the shell of an electrical connector. For items which may perform the same function but have a facility for attachment of another fitting(s) see ADAPTER, CABLE CLAMP TO CONNECTOR. See also PACKING NUT; and PACKING NUT, STUFFING TUBE. View more Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut

5935-14-335-0098 NUT,BUSHING RETAINER,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 5935143350098 143350098

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084-0003-37 DF92A620-37 A metallic item having internal threads and an internal seat designed to retain
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Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut Connector Bushing Retainer Nut 014-2969 5935-14-335-0098
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Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut Connector Bushing Retainer Nut 014-2969 5935-14-335-0098
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Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut 5935-14-359-7703 5935-99-014-2969 5935-14-335-0098 https
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Nut 142-6675 5935-14-338-2660 5935-14-455-3145 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5935/fr 5935-14-335-0098
Connector Bushing Retainer Nut Connector Bushing Retainer Nut 5935-14-359-7703 5935-99-014-2969 5935-14-335-0098
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5935-14-335-0098 is a Electrical Connector Bushing Retainer Nut

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