
Plug-In Electronic Components Socket Strap Nut

5935140431252 140431252 065T13-698392M

A fastening device used in assembling and mounting SOCKET, PLUG-IN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS to a chassis. It is made in one piece with tapped mounting holes spaced to coincide with the spacing of standard electronic plug-in components socket mounting holes. It is semicircular shaped to provide electrical contact clearance of the socket. View more Plug-In Electronic Components Socket Strap Nut

5935-14-043-1252 STRAP NUT,PLUG-IN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SOCKET 5935140431252 140431252

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065T13-698392M A fastening device used in assembling and mounting SOCKET, PLUG-IN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS
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5935-14-043-1252 is a Plug-In Electronic Components Socket Strap Nut

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