
Plug Dummy Connector

5935221226992 221226992

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5935-12-333-2794

An item specifically designed to mate with another connector to perform one or more special functions, such as to act as a cover or shield, to short contacts, or to open or close electrical circuits, in or on another connector. It cannot be used as a CONNECTOR, PLUG, ELECTRICAL. Excludes DUMMY PLUG,TELEPHONE. View more Plug Dummy Connector

5935-22-122-6992 DUMMY CONNECTOR,PLUG 5935221226992 221226992

Managed by Denmark
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5935-22-122-6992 DUMMY CONNECTOR,PLUG 5935221226992 221226992 1/1
NSN 5935-22-122-6992 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Denmark (DK) 4. 5935-22-122-6992 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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Plug Dummy Connector 5935221226992 221226992 browser . 5935-22-122-6992Plug Dummy Connector5935221226992
221226992 Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5935-12-333-2794 vendors Request Restrictions 5935-22-122-6992

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5935-22-122-6992 is a Plug Dummy Connector

5935-22-122-6992 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5935-22-122-6992