
Electrical Connector Retaining Plate

5935127003035 127003035 765-41-131 765.41.131 51-262240084

A flat metallic item varied in shape with an opening(s) to accommodate an electrical connector(s). It must have facilities for mounting. Used to position an electrical connector. See also PLATE, MOUNTING (as modified). Excludes PLATE, WALL, ELECTRICAL and ESCUTCHEON PLATE. View more Electrical Connector Retaining Plate

5935-12-700-3035 PLATE,RETAINING,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 5935127003035 127003035

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NSN Created on 6 Dec 1991
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5935-12-700-3035 PLATE,RETAINING,ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR 5935127003035 127003035 1/1
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765-41-131 765.41.131 51-262240084 A flat metallic item varied in shape with an opening(s) to accommodate
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5935-12-700-3035 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5935/de 5935-12-700-3035
Documents 5910-99-519-0845 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5935/de 5935-12-700-3035
Electrical Connector Retaining Plate 5935-12-700-3035 5935127003035 127003035 is a flat metallic

5935-12-700-3035 Demil Restrictions 5935-12-700-3035


5935-12-700-3035 is a Electrical Connector Retaining Plate

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