
Electrical Plug Connector Body

5935123396217 123396217 07916010019 0205457728 927366-1

The main or principal part of a CONNECTOR, PLUG, ELECTRICAL which includes insert(s) designed to accommodate but does not include removable contacts. It may have a hood or shell, a jackscrew and jacksocket, or other means for polarizing and aligning. It is not designed to be mounted on a bulkhead, chassis, panel, wall, or the like. Excludes CONNECTOR BODY, MODULAR PLUG, ELECTRICAL. For items without insert(s), see SHELL, ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. View more Electrical Plug Connector Body

5935-12-339-6217 CONNECTOR BODY,PLUG,ELECTRICAL 5935123396217 123396217

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NSN Created on 13 Dec 1995
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January 2023
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5935-12-339-6217 CONNECTOR BODY,PLUG,ELECTRICAL 5935123396217 123396217 1/1
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07916010019 0205457728 927366-1 The main or principal part of a CONNECTOR, PLUG, ELECTRICAL which includes
/fsc-5935/de 5935-12-339-6217 Electrical Plug Connector Body 5935123396217 079160100190205457728927366
Electrical Plug Connector Body 5935123396217 browser . 5935-12-339-6217Electrical Plug Connector
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Electrical Plug Connector Body 5935123396217 browser . 5935-12-339-6217Electrical Plug Connector
Body5935123396217 123396217 07916010019 0205457728 927366 Sleeve Bearing 3120007342500 007342500,945840
734-2500Sleeve Bearing3120007342500 007342500 945840 38577 7342500 927366 Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 3 0205457728
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Electrical Plug Connector Body 5935123396217 browser . 5935-12-339-6217Electrical Plug Connector

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5935-12-339-6217 is a Electrical Plug Connector Body

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5935-12-339-6217 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 5935-12-339-6217 October 2021

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