
Push Button

5930144839028 144839028 C2TC2946A20000PICTO-DEPORT

An item which constitutes the detachable portion of a switch, circuit breaker, controller, motor starter actuator or items equipped with a key type station selector device etc, upon which the pushing pressure is applied to operate the item. It may be of any shape or design and may include a detachable top, marked with letter(s), numeral(s), or other characters, and/or a plunger or rod as an integral or detachable part. Excludes KNOB; HANDLE, SWITCH; BAR ACTUATOR, ELECTRICAL SWITCH and KEYTOP, KEYBOARD. View more Push Button

5930-14-483-9028 PUSH BUTTON 5930144839028 144839028

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C2TC2946A20000PICTO-DEPORT An item which constitutes the detachable portion of a switch, circuit breaker
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