
Rotary Switch

5930142787194 142787194 SYF0913-568-5004B

A switch actuated by a definite angular rotation of the switch shaft about its axis. For items having rated actuation travel and pressure characteristics, see SWITCH, SENSITIVE. Excludes RELAY, ROTARY; SWITCH, STEPPING; and SWITCH, TELEPHONE (as modified). View more Rotary Switch

5930-14-278-7194 SWITCH,ROTARY 5930142787194 142787194

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SYF0913-568-5004B A switch actuated by a definite angular rotation of the switch shaft about its axis
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liquid, electro-mechanical device or pressure means https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5930/fr 5930-14-278-7194
Rotary Switch 5930142787194 142787194 JavaScript in your web browser . 5930-14-278-7194Rotary Switch5930142787194
142787194 SYF0913-568-5004B 14-278-7194 France (ZF) Approved Sources 5930-14-278-7194 Part NumberManufacturerStatusSYF0913
Documents 5330-01-091-3355 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5930/fr 5930-14-278-7194
Rotary Switch 5930142787194 142787194 JavaScript in your web browser . 5930-14-278-7194Rotary Switch5930142787194
142787194 SYF0913-568-5004B 14-278-7194 France (ZF) Approved Sources 5930-14-278-7194 Part NumberManufacturerStatusSYF0913

5930-14-278-7194 Demil Restrictions 5930-14-278-7194


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