
Push-Pull Switch

5930142308263 142308263 28180

A switch which is actuated in one direction by pushing and in the opposite direction by pulling. Excludes LIGHT-SWITCH ASSEMBLY. View more Push-Pull Switch

5930-14-230-8263 SWITCH,PUSH-PULL 5930142308263 142308263

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1967
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5930-14-230-8263 SWITCH,PUSH-PULL 5930142308263 142308263 1/1
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28180 A switch which is actuated in one direction by pushing and in the opposite direction by pulling
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4820-99-875-9969Combined Internals4820998759969 998759969 HV. 28180
SST/Y/531/30/0303/114 QCA/HV. 28180 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 5 Jul 1991 Data Last Changed
uk 4820-99-875-9969 Combined Internals 4820998759969998759969 HV. 28180SST/Y/531/30/0303/114QCA/HV. 28180
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4820-99-258-0569Spindle Subassembly4820992580569 992580569 HV. 28180
003 ISS 004 PAR- 12/103934 SST/Y/531/30/0301/000 SHEET 003- SST/Y/531/30/0301/104 SHEET 1 I- QCA/HV. 28180
003 ISS 004 PAR- 12/103934SST/Y/531/30/0301/000 SHEET 003- SST/Y/531/30/0301/104 SHEET 1 I- QCA/HV. 28180
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4820-99-309-2455Spindle Subassembly4820993092455 993092455 HV. 28180
PAR- SST/Y/531/30/0301/105 SHEET 1 I- SST/Y/531/30/0301/000 SHEET 003- SST/Y/531/30/0301/105 QCA/HV. 28180
-13 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5930/fr 5930-14-230-8263 Push-Pull Switch 5930142308263 142308263
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4820-99-716-2040Straight Throu Ball4820997162040 997162040 HV. 28180
001293392 001293392 PART 114 12/103931 SST/Y/531/30/0301/000 SST/Y/531/30/0301/000 PART 114 QCA/HV. 28180
Push-Pull Switch 5930142308263 142308263 /30/0303/114 QCA/HV. 28180 Managed by United Kingdom NSN

5930-14-230-8263 Demil Restrictions 5930-14-230-8263


5930-14-230-8263 is a Push-Pull Switch

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France (ZF)

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