
Rotary Switch

5930123394588 123394588 C10 A010-622 EG 0605603025

A switch actuated by a definite angular rotation of the switch shaft about its axis. For items having rated actuation travel and pressure characteristics, see SWITCH, SENSITIVE. Excludes RELAY, ROTARY; SWITCH, STEPPING; and SWITCH, TELEPHONE (as modified). View more Rotary Switch

5930-12-339-4588 SWITCH,ROTARY 5930123394588 123394588

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NSN Created on 24 Nov 1995
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5930-12-339-4588 SWITCH,ROTARY 5930123394588 123394588 1/1
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C10 A010-622 EG 0605603025 A switch actuated by a definite angular rotation of the switch shaft about
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5930-12-339-4588 is a Rotary Switch

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