
Ground Fault Interrupter

5925123724380 123724380 2CSF202101R1250 8012542782506 F202A-25/0,03

An electrical safety device designed for insertion in a power distribution circuit to provide protection against serious injury or death caused by contact with damaged or defective electrical equipment. It disconnects the ungrounded conductor(s) when its integral circuitry senses an undesirable current flow to earth (ground). It includes a reset feature and may have a test facility. It may be designed for installation in an electrical panel or box, or may be a portable unit with its own enclosure. May include switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and the like; portable units may have connecting cables. Excludes overcurrent protective devices which also provide a ground fault sensing and interrupting capability. See also CIRCUIT BREAKER. View more Ground Fault Interrupter

5925-12-372-4380 INTERRUPTER,GROUND FAULT 5925123724380 123724380

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NSN Created on 17 Jul 2007
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2CSF202101R1250 8012542782506 F202A-25/0,03 An electrical safety device designed for insertion in a
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