
Electrostatic Discharging Mat

5920145207788 145207788 192E598-00

An item designed to be placed under equipment, components, or personnel to form a floor, desk, table, work bench, or the like covering, to dissipate static electricity charges. It will have a means to be connected to the equipment or person from which the static electricity charge is dissipated. For floor coverings used for other than electrostatic discharging, see MAT, FLOOR. See also DISCHARGER, ELECTROSTATIC. View more Electrostatic Discharging Mat

5920-14-520-7788 MAT,ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGING 5920145207788 145207788

Managed by France
NSN Created on 14 Jun 2000
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January 2023
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5920-14-520-7788 MAT,ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGING 5920145207788 145207788 1/1
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192E598-00 An item designed to be placed under equipment, components, or personnel to form a floor,
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France (ZF)

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