
Telephone Protector

5920123821349 123821349 70.012.410.00-A001

An item specifically designed to protect the phone circuits against high potentials, such as lightning and/or abnormal electrical currents. It may include an inclosure, but does not always include the protective components such as protector blocks, heat coils, and/or fuses. Excludes items which may be used in other than telephone circuits. See also ARRESTER, LIGHTNING and FUSEHOLDER. View more Telephone Protector

5920-12-382-1349 PROTECTOR,TELEPHONE 5920123821349 123821349

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 12 May 2010
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January 2023
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5920-12-382-1349 PROTECTOR,TELEPHONE 5920123821349 123821349 1/1
NSN 5920-12-382-1349 (Generic Image) 1/1

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70.012.410.00-A001 An item specifically designed to protect the phone circuits against high potentials
Germany (DE) 4. 5920-12-382-1349 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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5920-12-382-1349 is a Telephone Protector

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Germany (ZG)

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