
Cartridge Fuse

5920121308529 121308529 189500.1,5 7005918.1,5 10-0200-82-31-9 5L4819-032-48 5L4819-032-48-9 5L4819-082-31 5LV4819-082-31 5M4811-220-87 76621-1-5 7005918-1-5 7005918-1,5

A fuse in which the element is inclosed in a cylindrical body. The element may be renewable. The terminals may be of varying types. It may contain a visual indication that the fusible element is severed, and may also provide an audible alarm through auxiliary circuitry. For noncylindrical items, see FUSE, INCLOSED LINK. View more Cartridge Fuse

5920-12-130-8529 FUSE,CARTRIDGE 5920121308529 121308529

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 30 May 1969
Data Last Changed
November 2023
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NSN 5920-12-130-8529 (Generic Image) 1/1

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189500.1,5 7005918.1,5 10-0200-82-31-9 5L4819-032-48 5L4819-032-48-9 5L4819-082-31 5LV4819-082-31 5M4811
-220-87 76621-1-5 7005918-1-5 7005918-1,5 A fuse in which the element is inclosed in a cylindrical body
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