
Radio Frequency Interference Filter

5915144469051 144469051

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5915-14-453-0485

An item designed to suppress undesired (interfering) frequencies and have a minimal effect on the desired frequencies when inserted in an electrical power circuit. Excludes items which consist of a single capacitor, inductor, resistor, or devices consisting of only two or more circuit elements of the same basic name. Excludes FILTER, LOW PASS and SUPPRESSOR, IGNITION INTERFERENCE. For items designed to be inserted in a line which is primarily intended to carry high frequency waves modulated with signals, such as antenna lead-in, see FILTER, BAND SUPPRESSION and FILTER, BAND PASS. See also LIMITER, ELECTRICAL NOISE. View more Radio Frequency Interference Filter

5915-14-446-9051 FILTER,RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE 5915144469051 144469051

Managed by France
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5915-14-446-9051 FILTER,RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE 5915144469051 144469051 1/1
NSN 5915-14-446-9051 (Generic Image) 1/1

5915-14-446-9051 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5915-14-446-9051

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JavaScript in your web browser . 5915-14-446-9051Radio Frequency Interference Filter5915144469051 144469051
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 5915-14-446-9051
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5915-14-446-9051 Demil Restrictions 5915-14-446-9051


5915-14-446-9051 is a Radio Frequency Interference Filter

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