
Paper-Plastic Dielectric Metallized Fixed Capacitor

5910121763955 121763955 I0RK5100J 27020792240 Q317246061 Q 317 246 061 W 4943 510 M9 W4943510M9

A capacitor whose capacitance value cannot be adjusted or varied having paper, plastic, or any combination of paper and plastic as the dielectric material with a metallic film deposited thereon. It may be a single unit or consist of two or more units which cannot be separated. View more Paper-Plastic Dielectric Metallized Fixed Capacitor

5910-12-176-3955 CAPACITOR,FIXED,METALLIZED,PAPER-PLASTIC DIELECTRIC 5910121763955 121763955

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5910-12-176-3955 CAPACITOR,FIXED,METALLIZED,PAPER-PLASTIC DIELECTRIC 5910121763955 121763955 1/1
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I0RK5100J 27020792240 Q317246061 Q 317 246 061 W 4943 510 M9 W4943510M9 A capacitor whose capacitance
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