
Plastic Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

5910218453046 218453046

A capacitor whose capacitance value cannot be adjusted or varied, having a plastic, plastic film, plasticized (plastic impregnated) paper, or any combination of plastic and paper or plastic and paper films as the dielectric material. The plastic may be one or more types of synthetic compounds such as polyesters, polyfluorides, polycabonates, and the like. It may be a single unit, or consist of two or more fixed units which cannot be separated. For items whose electrodes consist of a metallic film deposited (metallized) on the dielectric material, see CAPACITOR, FIXED, METALLIZED, PAPER-PLASTIC DIELECTRIC. View more Plastic Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

5910-21-845-3046 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTRIC 5910218453046 218453046

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5910-21-845-3046 CAPACITOR,FIXED,PLASTIC DIELECTRIC 5910218453046 218453046 1/1
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JavaScript in your web browser . 5910-21-845-3046Plastic Dielectric Fixed Capacitor5910218453046 218453046
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Restrictions 5910-21-845-3046 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59 Capacitors (FSC 5910) 026-3489 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor 5910-21-845-3046
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5910 Capacitors from Canada (CA) 803-6896 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor 5910-21-845-3046
Protective Cap 5910-21-103-9842 Mounting Bracket 5910-21-803-6896 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor 5910-21-845-3046
109-8305 Plastic Dielectric Fixed Capacitor 5910-12-026-3489 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor 5910-21-845-3046

5910-21-845-3046 Demil Restrictions 5910-21-845-3046


5910-21-845-3046 is a Plastic Dielectric Fixed Capacitor

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