
Film Fixed Resistor

5905991066613 991066613 F20 16Z2P0RM1

A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied. The resistance element consists of either a thin layer of conductive material, containing either binders or insulating materials, deposited on an insulated form; or an alloy of metal and ceramic materials, usually fused to an insulated form. Opposition to the flow of current is an inherent property of the materials used and is manifest by the heat dissipation in the resistor. See also ATTENUATOR, FIXED and RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION. Excludes carbon composition type resistors. View more Film Fixed Resistor

5905-99-106-6613 RESISTOR,FIXED,FILM 5905991066613 991066613

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F20 16Z2P0RM1 A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied.
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Film Fixed Resistor 5905991066613 991066613 JavaScript in your web browser . 5905-99-106-6613Film
Fixed Resistor5905991066613 991066613 F20 16Z2P0RM1 Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5905-99-021-9584Film
Fixed Resistor5905990219584 990219584 109 DEF5112A 16Z2P0RM1 Components Ltd (Active) NATO Reference
EE0-05RN50-16Z2P0RM1 A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied.
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JavaScript in your web browser . 5905-99-106-6613Film Fixed Resistor5905991066613 991066613 F20 16Z2P0RM1
EE0-05RN50-16Z2P0RM1 A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied.
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Components Ltd (Active) NATO Reference RNCC 6 RNVC 9 DAC 9 16Z2P0RM1 K5562 - S T C Telecommunications
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5905-99-106-6613 is a Film Fixed Resistor

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