
Resistor Holder

5905142147374 142147374 117044-103

An item designed primarily to mechanically and/or electrically accommodate one or more resistors in such a way that they may be readily inserted or removed. For items in which the resistors are to be mounted by using screw type terminals or solder lugs, see TERMINAL BOARD. If the holder will accommodate either fuses or resistors, use item name FUSEHOLDER. For items designed to accommodate lamp base type resistors, see LAMPHOLDER and LAMPHOLDER ASSEMBLY. View more Resistor Holder

5905-14-214-7374 HOLDER,RESISTOR 5905142147374 142147374

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1965
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July 2023
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5905-14-214-7374 HOLDER,RESISTOR 5905142147374 142147374 1/1
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5905-14-214-7374 is a Resistor Holder

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