
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905123480801 123480801 146690

A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied. The resistance element consists of high resistance wire (or ribbon) either wound on an insulated form or constructed so as to be self supporting. Opposition to the flow of current is an inherent property of the resistance wire and is manifest by the heat dissipation in the resistor. Excludes SUPPRESSOR, IGNITION INTERFERENCE. View more Wire Wound Fixed Resistor

5905-12-348-0801 RESISTOR,FIXED,WIRE WOUND 5905123480801 123480801

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5905-12-348-0801 RESISTOR,FIXED,WIRE WOUND 5905123480801 123480801 1/1
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146690 A resistor whose ohmic value cannot be adjusted or varied.
Germany (DE) 4. 5905-12-348-0801 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5815-00-979-0548Teletypewriter Subassembly5815009790548 009790548 146690
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor 5905123480801 JavaScript in your web browser . 5905-12-348-0801Wire Wound
Fixed Resistor5905123480801 123480801 146690 Upgrade your Account Upgrade 3010-00-001-3588Pressure Bellows3010000013588
Upgrade your Account Upgrade 3010-00-001-3588Pressure Bellows3010000013588 000013588 N539675 PIECE 8 146690
Wire Wound Fixed Resistor 5905123480801 JavaScript in your web browser . 5905-12-348-0801Wire Wound
Fixed Resistor5905123480801 123480801 146690 Pressure Bellows 3010000013588000013588 Upgrade your Account

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