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Nonprecision Wire Wound Variable Resistor

5905660601449 660601449 310

A resistor in which a sliding or rolling contact moves over an exposed area of the resistive element to change the ohmic value of the output. The functional tolerance (linearity), if given, of the output is greater than plus of minus 1 percent on linear outputs. Specified outputs such as sine, cosine, tangent, etc., shall be considered to be precision. For items having manually positioned taps designed to be set and fixed prior to use, see RESISTOR, ADJUSTABLE. For items with step by step variation, see RHEOSTAT and RESISTOR, STEP BY STEP. For tandem-mounted items designed to function together as an attenuator (and rated accordingly), see ATTENUATOR, VARIABLE. Excludes RESISTOR (1), VARIABLE, NONWIRE WOUND, NONPRECISION; RESISTOR (1), VARIABLE, NONWIRE WOUND, PRECISION; and RESISTOR (1), VARIABLE, WIRE WOUND, PRECISION. View more Nonprecision Wire Wound Variable Resistor

5905-66-060-1449 RESISTOR,VARIABLE,WIRE WOUND,NONPRECISION 5905660601449 660601449

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NSN Created on 22 Jun 1973
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5905-66-060-1449 RESISTOR,VARIABLE,WIRE WOUND,NONPRECISION 5905660601449 660601449 1/1
NSN 5905-66-060-1449 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5905-66-060-1449 is a Nonprecision Wire Wound Variable Resistor

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