
Communication Equipment Interface Unit

5895330019599 330019599

A self-contained item or group of items, which permit the transfer of information between various types of communications support equipment and/or systems. Adjustment, monitoring, and display functions may be included. Excludes MODEM (as modified). View more Communication Equipment Interface Unit

5895-33-001-9599 INTERFACE UNIT,COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 5895330019599 330019599

Managed by Spain
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5895-33-001-9599 INTERFACE UNIT,COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 5895330019599 330019599 1/1
NSN 5895-33-001-9599 (Generic Image) 1/1

5895-33-001-9599 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5895-33-001-9599

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JavaScript in your web browser . 5895-33-001-9599Communication Equipment Interface Unit5895330019599 330019599
Unit Managed by Spain Data Last Changed January 2024 NATO Update Count 1 NATO Data Quality NSN 5895-33-001-9599
Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Related Documents 5895-33-001-9599
Miscellaneous Communication Equipment from Spain (ES) Electronic Equipment Pressurizing Set 5895-33-001-9599
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5895 Miscellaneous Communication Equipment from Spain (ES) 5895-33-001-9599
Panel 5895-33-002-0732 Pulse Generator 5895-33-001-7905 Electronic Equipment Pressurizing Set 5895-33-001-9599

5895-33-001-9599 Demil Restrictions 5895-33-001-9599


5895-33-001-9599 is a Communication Equipment Interface Unit

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