
Countermeasures Chaff

5865251311295 251311295 RR155GL

An item of various materials and shapes that, when dispensed into the atmosphere, is designed to be used as a countermeasure against enemy radar. View more Countermeasures Chaff

5865-25-131-1295 CHAFF,COUNTERMEASURES 5865251311295 251311295

Managed by Norway
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1984
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January 2023
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5865-25-131-1295 CHAFF,COUNTERMEASURES 5865251311295 251311295 1/1
NSN 5865-25-131-1295 (Generic Image) 1/1

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RR155GL An item of various materials and shapes that, when dispensed into the atmosphere, is designed
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RQST NE Updated Every Day 5865-25-131-1295 RQST Updated Every Day 5865-25-131-1295 RQST NE Related Documents
Chaff 5865993385186 993385186 5865001603944 001603944 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
870-1211 5865-99-974-7527 5865006205736 006205736 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
870-1211 5865-99-974-7527 5865144294923 144294923 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
993385186 Countermeasures Chaff 5865001603944 001603944 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
1211 Countermeasures Chaff 5865006205736 006205736 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
1211 Countermeasures Chaff 5865144294923 144294923 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
870-1211 Countermeasures Chaff 5865998701211 998701211 8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
1211 Countermeasures Chaff 5865144294923 144294923 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
5865-99-870-1211 https//www.nsnlookup.com 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295 5865-99-870-1211 https
3944 Countermeasures Chaff 5865001603944 001603944 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
5736 Countermeasures Chaff 5865006205736 006205736 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295
4923 Countermeasures Chaff 5865144294923 144294923 968-8242 5865-01-267-5900 5865-99-667-3590 5865-25-131-1295

5865-25-131-1295 Demil Restrictions 5865-25-131-1295


5865-25-131-1295 is a Countermeasures Chaff

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Norway (ZT)

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