
Interconnecting Cabinet

5855226010455 226010455

An enclosure, the principal purpose of which is to house, protect, and provide a connecting or branching point for one or more electrical circuits. It is wired to provide the interconnecting facilities for a specific group of electrical and/or electronic items outside of the interconnecting cabinet. It may contain parts such as capacitors, resistors, fuses, relays and terminal boards. In addition, it includes panel(s) on which are mounted control and instrumenation devices associated with the internal components of the cabinet. For items not including such panels. See CABINET, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. See also CIRCUIT BREAKER BOX; DISTRIBUTION BOX; INTERCONNECTING BOX; JUNCTION BOX and TERMINAL BOX. View more Interconnecting Cabinet

5855-22-601-0455 INTERCONNECTING CABINET 5855226010455 226010455

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5855-22-601-0455 is a Interconnecting Cabinet

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