
Night Vision Goggles Adapter

5855410014409 410014409 533339087042

A peculiar cylindrical mounting surface which will interface and hold a goggle objective and a test apparatus. View more Night Vision Goggles Adapter

5855-41-001-4409 ADAPTER,GOGGLES,NIGHT VISION 5855410014409 410014409

Managed by Austria
NSN Created on 7 May 2010
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5855-41-001-4409 ADAPTER,GOGGLES,NIGHT VISION 5855410014409 410014409 1/1
NSN 5855-41-001-4409 (Generic Image) 1/1

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533339087042 A peculiar cylindrical mounting surface which will interface and hold a goggle objective
Austria (AT) 4. 5855-41-001-4409 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5855-41-001-4409 RQST Updated Every Day 5855-41-001-4409 RQST NE Restrictions
2007 5855-41-000-6402 Night Vision Device 533587999010RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 2 Apr 2008 5855-41-001-4409

5855-41-001-4409 Demil Restrictions 5855-41-001-4409


5855-41-001-4409 is a Night Vision Goggles Adapter

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Austria (WB)

5855-41-001-4409 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5855-41-001-4409

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