
Sonar Sounding Set

5845140423934 140423934 D6990 DUAV-4A

A fixed number of components and/or items not all having the same basic name which are used for determining the depth of water from a point of installation to sea bottom and/or overhead surface. View more Sonar Sounding Set

5845-14-042-3934 SOUNDING SET,SONAR 5845140423934 140423934

Managed by France
NSN Created on 9 Sep 1977
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5845-14-042-3934 SOUNDING SET,SONAR 5845140423934 140423934 1/1
NSN 5845-14-042-3934 (Generic Image) 1/1

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D6990 DUAV-4A A fixed number of components and/or items not all having the same basic name which are
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