
Audio-Video Editor

5836993448481 993448481 52957 A3-2680-P-1010 93-916-7711 93-916-8012 93-916-7849

An item that edits/corrects video or audio signals for better modulation. It edits the tapes used with video recorders, video reproducers, and video recorder-reproducers. It edits video pictures frame by frame and usually functions in conjunction with a video switcher or time base corrector. Includes automatic and/or manual editting capability. May include joystick, keyboard, and viewer. View more Audio-Video Editor

5836-99-344-8481 EDITOR,AUDIO-VIDEO 5836993448481 993448481

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52957 A3-2680-P-1010 93-916-7711 93-916-8012 93-916-7849 An item that edits/corrects video or audio
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