
Intercommunication Station

5830170472590 170472590 LBB7065-00

An item which may provide two-way amplified voice communications when connected to one or more like stations directly or via intermediate control equipment; includes loudspeaker (which may be used as a loudspeaker or microphone), signalling devices, amplifier and station selector switches. May include separate microphone, earphone, handset or headset. See also, TELEPHONE CONNECTING STATION. View more Intercommunication Station

5830-17-047-2590 INTERCOMMUNICATION STATION 5830170472590 170472590

Managed by Netherlands
NSN Created on 24 Jun 1975
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5830-17-047-2590 INTERCOMMUNICATION STATION 5830170472590 170472590 1/1
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LBB7065-00 An item which may provide two-way amplified voice communications when connected to one or
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| RNVC: 2 | DAC: 5 11 Dec 1996 5830-15-135-2747 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5830/nl 5830-17-047-2590
Intercommunication Station 5830170472590 JavaScript in your web browser . 5830-17-047-2590Intercommunication
Station5830170472590 170472590 LBB7065 251331446 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5830-25-133
3 Jun 1971 5830-17-123-5666 Public Address Set SCALERTHRNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 8 Feb 2011 5830-17-047-2590
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5830-25-133-1446Gruppeoppkalling5830251331446 251331446 LBB7065-00
fsc-5830 Intercommunication and Public Address Systems, Except Airborne from Netherlands (NL) 5830-17-047-2590

5830-17-047-2590 Demil Restrictions 5830-17-047-2590


5830-17-047-2590 is a Intercommunication Station

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Netherlands (ZN)

5830-17-047-2590 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5830-17-047-2590

5830-17-047-2590 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5830-17-047-2590