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Radio Beacon

5826015928097 015928097 MEA-25000-0001 GRE/NAT

A component specifically designed to radiate electromagnetic waves in space to indicate its geographical location to vessels or aircraft by means of predetermined coded signals. Ranging and tracking facilities are not provided. See also TRANSMITTER, RADIO; and TRANSMITTING SET, RADIO. View more Radio Beacon

5826-01-592-8097 BEACON,RADIO 5826015928097 015928097

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 21 Mar 2011
Data Last Changed
January 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
5826-01-592-8097 BEACON,RADIO 5826015928097 015928097 1/1
NSN 5826-01-592-8097 (Generic Image) 1/1

5826-01-592-8097 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5826-01-592-8097

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5826-01-592-8097 Related Documents Related Documents 5826-01-592-8097 5+ Documents (More...)

/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097 Radio Beacon 5826015928097015928097 MEA-25000-0001 GRE/NAT A component
Radio Beacon 5826015928097015928097 Documents 5826-01-592-8097 2+ Documents ( More... ) https/
Radio Beacon 5826015928097015928097 5825-21-875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 5826-01-592-8097 https//
-01-672-0723 Radio Beacon 5826016720723 016720723 0723 /fsg-58/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097
5825-01-612-0743 5825-01-311-9171 145013851,6371-50 115-9450 5825-21-875-6526 672-0723 5826-01-592-8097
Radio Beacon 5826015928097 015928097 + Documents ( More... ) https/ 5826-01-279-1332 Radio Beacon
NumberManufacturerStatus125370-1 36452 - Drs Technologies https// /fsg-58/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097
Radio Beacon 5826015928097 015928097 Documents 5826-01-592-8097 2+ Documents ( More... ) https/
5826-01-279-1332 Radio Beacon 5826012791332012791332 115-9450 5825-21-875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 5826-01-592-8097
Documents 5826-01-672-0723 5+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-58/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097
Radio Beacon 5826015928097 015928097 More... ) https/ 5826-01-279-1332 Radio Beacon 5826012791332012791332
115-9450 5825-21-875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 /fsg-58/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097 Radio
NumberManufacturerStatus126530-1 36452 - Drs Technologies https// /fsg-58/fsc-5826/us 5826-01-592-8097
Radio Beacon 5826015928097 015928097 5825-21-875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 5826-01-592-8097 https//
553-5960 5825-99-763-2514 5825-66-160-7599 5826-13-115-9450 5825-21-875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 5826-01-592-8097

5826-01-592-8097 Demil Restrictions 5826-01-592-8097


5826-01-592-8097 is a Radio Beacon that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is a US Munitions List or Commerce Control List Item which must be destroyed to prevent restoration or repair. Only authorized parties may possess this item. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

5826-01-592-8097 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 5826-01-592-8097

5826-01-592-8097 End Users End Users 5826-01-592-8097

Greece (ZU01)
Effective Date:
1 Mar 2011

5826-01-592-8097 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5826-01-592-8097

5826-01-592-8097 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5826-01-592-8097

5826-01-592-8097 Freight Data Freight Information 5826-01-592-8097

5826-01-592-8097 has freight characteristics.. 5826-01-592-8097 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.