
Radio Beacon

5826145535960 145535960 S1822502-02 T256F30T0001

A component specifically designed to radiate electromagnetic waves in space to indicate its geographical location to vessels or aircraft by means of predetermined coded signals. Ranging and tracking facilities are not provided. See also TRANSMITTER, RADIO; and TRANSMITTING SET, RADIO. View more Radio Beacon

5826-14-553-5960 BEACON,RADIO 5826145535960 145535960

Managed by France
NSN Created on 20 Apr 2007
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January 2023
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5826-14-553-5960 BEACON,RADIO 5826145535960 145535960 1/1
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S1822502-02 T256F30T0001 A component specifically designed to radiate electromagnetic waves in space
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145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579
145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579
145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 348-5072 -25-117
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826/de 5826-12-348-5072 Radio Beacon 5826123485072 123485072 5826145535960
145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579
002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072 875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 867-9899 5826-14-553-5960
Documents 5826-12-348-5072 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826/fr 5826-14-553-5960
Radio Beacon 5826145535960 145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765
002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072 875-6526 5826-01-672-0723 867-9899 5826-14-553-5960
5826218958289 218958289 348-5072 5825-99-952-5489 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826/fr 5826-14-553-5960
Radio Beacon 5826145535960 145535960 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-
002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072 5825-99-952-5489 672-0723 867-9899 5826-14-553-5960

5826-14-553-5960 Demil Restrictions 5826-14-553-5960


5826-14-553-5960 is a Radio Beacon

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