
Navigational Computer Set Control

5826144636313 144636313 21318936-23

A control that determines the mode of operation of a navigational computer set. View more Navigational Computer Set Control

5826-14-463-6313 CONTROL,NAVIGATIONAL COMPUTER SET 5826144636313 144636313

Managed by France
NSN Created on 22 Jun 1993
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5826-14-463-6313 CONTROL,NAVIGATIONAL COMPUTER SET 5826144636313 144636313 1/1
NSN 5826-14-463-6313 (Generic Image) 1/1

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21318936-23 A control that determines the mode of operation of a navigational computer set.
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5826-14-463-6313 is a Navigational Computer Set Control

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France (ZF)

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