
Radio Beacon

5826123485072 123485072 2277-100000C00C

A component specifically designed to radiate electromagnetic waves in space to indicate its geographical location to vessels or aircraft by means of predetermined coded signals. Ranging and tracking facilities are not provided. See also TRANSMITTER, RADIO; and TRANSMITTING SET, RADIO. View more Radio Beacon

5826-12-348-5072 BEACON,RADIO 5826123485072 123485072

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 5 Jul 1999
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5826-12-348-5072 BEACON,RADIO 5826123485072 123485072 1/1
NSN 5826-12-348-5072 (Generic Image) 1/1

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https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5825/uk 5825-99-738-6579 Radio Beacon 5825997386579 997386579 123485072
-98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072
Radio Beacon 5826123485072 123485072 Radio Beacon 5826145535960 145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon
fsg-58/fsc-5825/uk 5825-99-738-6579 Radio Beacon 5825997386579 997386579 348-5072 Radio Beacon 5826123485072
123485072 5826145535960 145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 002-2765 5825-14
5489 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826 988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072
Documents 5825-99-738-6579 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826/de 5826-12-348-5072
Radio Beacon 5826123485072 123485072 5826145535960 145535960 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800
988509800 002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072 -25-117-9909 Radio Beacon 5826251179909
Documents 5825-20-002-2765 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5826/de 5826-12-348-5072
Radio Beacon 5826123485072 123485072 -98-850-9800 Radio Beacon 5825988509800 988509800 850-9800
002-2765 5826-21-900-7129 5825-21-887-3382 5825-20-002-2765 5825-14-568-8967 5825-99-738-6579 5826-12-348-5072

5826-12-348-5072 Demil Restrictions 5826-12-348-5072


5826-12-348-5072 is a Radio Beacon

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