
Tuning Drive

5821143755366 143755366 20014R

A device which, when mechanically and/or electrically actuated, sets or rotates a tuning part (capacitor, inductor, line, switch) of an item such as a receiver, transmitter, signal generator, and like items, to a desired frequency. Electrically actuated devices may include wire connected controls. Does not include a knob, calibrated dial, or flexible shafting. See also KNOB; DIAL, CONTROL and DIAL, SCALE. View more Tuning Drive

5821-14-375-5366 DRIVE,TUNING 5821143755366 143755366

Managed by France
NSN Created on 26 Feb 1982
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20014R A device which, when mechanically and/or electrically actuated, sets or rotates a tuning part
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Documents 5821-14-422-9605 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5821/fr 5821-14-375-5366
Tuning Drive 5821143755366 143755366,20014R 5821 Radio and Television Communication Equipment,
5821 Radio and Television Communication Equipment, Airborne from France (FR) DAC: 2 24 Mar 1988 5821-14-375-5366
: 4 30 Jan 1991 5821-14-422-9605 Chassis Base 2-5904-1RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 2 24 Mar 1988 5821-14-375-5366

5821-14-375-5366 Demil Restrictions 5821-14-375-5366


5821-14-375-5366 is a Tuning Drive

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France (ZF)

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