
Television Camera Lens

5820251383640 251383640 J6X11REA

This lens is designed for use in a television/video camera and it will be used to photograph both near and distant objects. A device or a drive mechanism for automatic and/or power control of diaphragm and zoom may be included. View more Television Camera Lens

5820-25-138-3640 LENS,CAMERA,TELEVISION 5820251383640 251383640

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NSN Created on 16 Feb 1990
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January 2023
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5820-25-138-3640 LENS,CAMERA,TELEVISION 5820251383640 251383640 1/1
NSN 5820-25-138-3640 (Generic Image) 1/1

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J6X11REA This lens is designed for use in a television/video camera and it will be used to photograph
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5820-25-138-3640 is a Television Camera Lens

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Norway (ZT)

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