
Telephone Base

5805993912266 993912266 A2/551422/2

5805-99-391-2266 BASE,TELEPHONE 5805993912266 993912266

Managed by United Kingdom
NSN Created on 7 Feb 2008
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5805-99-391-2266 BASE,TELEPHONE 5805993912266 993912266 1/1
NSN 5805-99-391-2266 (Generic Image) 1/1

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A2/551422/2 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 7 Feb 2008 Data Last Changed January 2023 NATO
Update Count 1 NATO Data Quality NSN 5805-99-391-2266 (Generic Image) 1/1 1.
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5805-99-391-2266 RQST Updated Every Day 5805-99-391-2266 RQST NE Related Documents
Documents 5330-99-463-0255 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-391-2266
Telephone Base 5805993912266 993912266 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5805-99-391-2266Telephone
Base5805993912266 993912266 A2/551422 99-391-2266 United Kingdom (ZK) Approved Sources 5805-99-391-2266
Documents 5805-12-191-1671 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-391-2266
Telephone Base 5805993912266 993912266 5805-99-391-2266 fsc-5805/us 5805-01-129-1930 Telephone
Base 5805011291930 011291930 618-3206 5805-12-191-1671 5805-99-391-2266 fsc-5805/us 5805-01-535-8394
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/fr 5805-14-415-0094 Telephone Base 5805144150094 144150094 191-1671 5805-99-391-2266
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/pt 5805-26-050-3945 Telephone Base 5805260503945 260503945 191-1671 5805-99-391-2266
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/us 5805-01-129-1930 Telephone Base 5805011291930 011291930 191-1671 5805-99-391-2266
fsc-5805/fr 5805-14-415-0094 Telephone Base 5805144150094 144150094 618-3206 5805-12-191-1671 5805-99-391-2266
fsc-5805/us 5805-01-129-1930 Telephone Base 5805011291930 011291930 618-3206 5805-12-191-1671 5805-99-391-2266
fsc-5805/us 5805-01-535-8394 Telephone Base 5805015358394 015358394 618-3206 5805-12-191-1671 5805-99-391-2266

5805-99-391-2266 Demil Restrictions 5805-99-391-2266


5805-99-391-2266 is a Telephone Base

5805-99-391-2266 End Users End Users 5805-99-391-2266

United Kingdom (ZK)

5805-99-391-2266 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5805-99-391-2266

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