
Telephone System

5805992132368 992132368 25713566

The components and items required to operate a complete wire conducted system specifically designed to provide a two-way voice communication with selective ringing. The system is normally common-battery operated, but may include provisions for the use of local batteries in each sub-station. May include provisions for connecting to other telephone systems. It may readily be used as a transportable or fixed system. View more Telephone System

5805-99-213-2368 TELEPHONE SYSTEM 5805992132368 992132368

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25713566 The components and items required to operate a complete wire conducted system specifically
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992132368 Equipment from United Kingdom (UK) 450-7905 5805-99-450-7784 Telephone and Telegraph Equipment
2 25 Apr 1991 5805-99-450-7905 5805-99-450-7784 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-213-2368
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992132368 Equipment from United Kingdom (UK) 450-7905 5805-99-450-7784 5805-99-450-7782 5805-99-450-
5805-99-450-7784 5805-99-450-7782 5805-99-450-7902 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-213-2368
) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-413-2418 5805994132418 994132418 System 5805992132368
992132368 Equipment from United Kingdom (UK) 450-7905 5805-99-450-7784 5805-99-450-7782 Equipment from
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Documents 5805-99-652-5804 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-58/fsc-5805/uk 5805-99-213-2368
Telephone System 5805992132368 992132368 United Kingdom (UK) 450-7905 5805-99-450-7784 5805-99-

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5805-99-213-2368 is a Telephone System

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