
Communication Pager

5805390000468 390000468 NOMIM 3988408125 SIST.INSTIINTARE CADRE,TIP PAGER

An item specifically designed to notify the user that there is an awaiting phonecall via an audible tone, bell, beep or the like. It may or may not include a display or readout to indicate the incoming number, or an autodial feature. View more Communication Pager

5805-39-000-0468 PAGER,COMMUNICATION 5805390000468 390000468

Managed by Romania
NSN Created on 11 Feb 2002
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5805-39-000-0468 PAGER,COMMUNICATION 5805390000468 390000468 1/1
NSN 5805-39-000-0468 (Generic Image) 1/1

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NOMIM 3988408125 SIST.INSTIINTARE CADRE,TIP PAGER An item specifically designed to notify the user that
Romania (RO) 4. 5805-39-000-0468 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5805-39-000-0468 RQST Updated Every Day 5805-39-000-0468 RQST NE Related Documents
5820014581132 014581132 Communication Pager 5995998876805 998876805 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
-7346 5820-99-707-3681 Communication Pager 5820015188088 015188088 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
-7346 5820-99-707-3681 Communication Pager 5820014419506 014419506 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
000-0179 Telegraph Set ECHIPAM TELEGRAFIE TONALA F-3050RNCC: 5 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 22 Jan 2002 5805-39-000-0468
Communication Pager 5820014581132 014581132 5995998876805 998876805 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
199-7346 5820-99-707-3681 5805-99-660-4216 5820015188088 015188088 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
199-7346 5820-99-707-3681 5805-99-660-4216 5820014419506 014419506 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
5805-99-199-7346 -3681 Communication Pager 5820015188088 015188088 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
5805-99-199-7346 -8088 Communication Pager 5820015188088 015188088 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468
5805-99-199-7346 -9506 Communication Pager 5820014419506 014419506 531-1273 5805-99-166-5798 5805-39-000-0468

5805-39-000-0468 Demil Restrictions 5805-39-000-0468


5805-39-000-0468 is a Communication Pager

5805-39-000-0468 End Users End Users 5805-39-000-0468

Romania (WR)

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