
Nonmetallic Grating

5680144378213 144378213 5000889296

A fabricated panel which may be molded. Its rigid construction consists of equidistant parallel bars and bearing bars at right or oblique angles. It is reinforced at predetermined points and is used primarily as flooring or side walls where ventilation and light are required. It may be designed for insulation. View more Nonmetallic Grating

5680-14-437-8213 GRATING,NONMETALLIC 5680144378213 144378213

Managed by France
NSN Created on 21 Feb 1990
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5680-14-437-8213 GRATING,NONMETALLIC 5680144378213 144378213 1/1
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5000889296 A fabricated panel which may be molded.
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Every Day 5680-14-527-4657 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5680/fr 5680-14-437-8213
Nonmetallic Grating 5680144378213 144378213 Nonmetallic Grating 5680145129325 145129325 107-9258
5680-14-540-8437 5680-14-437-8213 5680/fr 5680-14-527-4657 Nonmetallic Grating 5680145274657145274657
145274657 005-5796 5680-43-000-1252 5680-14-512-9325 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5680/fr 5680-14-437-8213
Nonmetallic Grating 5680144378213 144378213 Nonmetallic Grating 5680145047753 145047753 107-9258
5680-14-540-8437 5680-14-437-8213 5680/fr 5680-14-512-9325 Nonmetallic Grating 5680145129325145129325
Every Day 5680-14-504-7753 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5680/fr 5680-14-437-8213
Nonmetallic Grating 5680144378213 144378213 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5680/pl 5680-43-000-1252
5680/fr 5680-14-504-7753 Nonmetallic Grating 5680145047753145047753 107-9258 5680-14-540-8437 5680-14-437-8213
Documents 5680-14-540-8437 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5680/fr 5680-14-437-8213
Nonmetallic Grating 5680144378213 144378213 5680-14-437-8213 5680/fr 5680-14-512-9325 Nonmetallic
Grating 5680145129325 145129325 107-9258 5680-14-540-8437 5680-14-437-8213 5680/fr 5680-14-527-4657

5680-14-437-8213 Demil Restrictions 5680-14-437-8213


5680-14-437-8213 is a Nonmetallic Grating

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France (ZF)

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