
Sound Controlling Board

5640145379809 145379809

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5640-15-177-4400

A light, rigid item composed of one or more kinds of granule and/or fiber with binder added, compressed to the desired density, and dried. It may be with or without surface coating and/or perforations or voids to be exposed to the noise area to entrap and dissipate sound energy, and is rated for this use. It is provided in lengths greater than 36 inches (914.4 mm). View more Sound Controlling Board

5640-14-537-9809 SOUND CONTROLLING BOARD 5640145379809 145379809

Managed by France
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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NATO Data Quality
5640-14-537-9809 SOUND CONTROLLING BOARD 5640145379809 145379809 1/1
NSN 5640-14-537-9809 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5640-14-537-9809 is a Sound Controlling Board

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