
Thermal Insulation Tape

5640145174852 145174852 VCT1

A material 12 inches (304.8 mm) or less in width consisting of a jacket woven of asbestos or other heat resisting fibers filled with fibers of INSULATION, THERMAL. It is normally used for wrapping high temperature pipes. For materials 12 inches (304.8 mm) or less in width, not of filled jacket construction, see TAPE, TEXTILE; ASBESTOS STRIP, WOVEN; and ASBESTOS STRIP, COMPRESSED. View more Thermal Insulation Tape

5640-14-517-4852 INSULATION TAPE,THERMAL 5640145174852 145174852

Managed by France
NSN Created on 17 Dec 1999
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January 2023
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5640-14-517-4852 INSULATION TAPE,THERMAL 5640145174852 145174852 1/1
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VCT1 A material 12 inches (304.8 mm) or less in width consisting of a jacket woven of asbestos or other
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instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5820-21-861-2441Monopod5820218612441 218612441 VCT1

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France (ZF)

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