
Asbestos Millboard

5640142799340 142799340 1000X1000X5CART0NHYDR0FH661

A building and industrial board consisting of asbestos fibers and binder compressed into sheets and these sheets sized with vegetable fiber. This board has neither a thermal conductivity nor a sound absorbing rating. It is used where primary importance is attached to the characteristics; fire retardency, resistance to acids, and resistance to high temperature failure. Excludes INSULATION BOARD, THERMAL. View more Asbestos Millboard

5640-14-279-9340 MILLBOARD,ASBESTOS 5640142799340 142799340

Managed by France
NSN Created on 1 Jan 1971
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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5640-14-279-9340 MILLBOARD,ASBESTOS 5640142799340 142799340 1/1
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1000X1000X5CART0NHYDR0FH661 A building and industrial board consisting of asbestos fibers and binder
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5640-99-923-0595 5640-12-180-0939 923-0594 9390120259412 120259412 982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
5640-99-923-0595 5640-12-180-0939 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5640/fr 5640-14-279-9340
Asbestos Millboard 5640142799340 142799340 5640002701622 002701622 5640142799341 142799341 982-4412
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5640/no 5640-25-139-5214 Asbestos Millboard 5640251395214 251395214 058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-56/fsc-5640/fr 5640-14-279-9341 Asbestos Millboard 5640142799341 142799341 058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-93/fsc-9390/de 9390-12-025-9412 Asbestos Millboard 9390120259412 120259412 058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
Asbestos Millboard 5640002701622 002701622 5640142799341 142799341 982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
923-0595 5640-12-180-0939 5640-99-923-0594 9390120259412 120259412 982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
5640-99-923-0595 5640-12-180-0939 5640-99-923-0594 279-9342 5640-00-982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
5640-99-923-0595 025-9412 Asbestos Millboard 9390120259412 120259412 982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
5640-99-923-0595 279-9341 5640-99-923-0597 5640-14-279-9342 5640-00-982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340
5640142799341 142799341 279-9341 5640-99-923-0597 5640-14-279-9342 5640-00-982-4412 5640-27-058-7631 5640-14-279-9340

5640-14-279-9340 Demil Restrictions 5640-14-279-9340


5640-14-279-9340 is a Asbestos Millboard

5640-14-279-9340 Manufacturers Approved Sources 5640-14-279-9340

Part Number
F3001 - Dcn (Cancelled)
Definitive Standard

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